Privacy Policy

HELLO! Indo-Arabia is committed to safeguarding the privacy of each individual that visits our website or becomes one of our customers.

This policy is set within the way HELLO! Indo-Arabia gathers, processes, stores and organizes the information provided by our users as they visit our website. HELLO! Indo-Arabia will use its best efforts to afford its customers and users the newest developments in privacy protection, this policy may change from time to time so we ask that you review these policies each time you visit our website.

HELLO! Indo-Arabia will protect the confidentiality of its customer’s information, account information and personal information to the fullest extent possible. However, please note that information, irrespective of type, once disclosed to a public arena (such as chat rooms or third party sites) can not be guaranteed by the protection of HELLO! Indo-Arabia.


This type of information which normally consists of names, addresses, email addresses, credit card numbers, orders or request for services, will only be used in order to complete your request and provide you with the services. Unless otherwise instructed by you, HELLO! Indo-Arabia may often use this information for promotional purposes, advising you of new services and products, and improving upon the services we provide to our customers. All of your credit card and purchasing information is highly secured through commercially acceptable web based security and encryption protocols. However, please note that certain personal and voluntary information which you provide on other websites, such as feedback or opinions, may be deemed non-confidential and un-protected by HELLO! Indo-Arabia from disclosure


This refers to the generic information gathered and stored by HELLO! Indo-Arabia automatically while users are browsing through our website. This information is not personal in nature. It simply provides us with the user’s Internet provider, web site reference, and date and frequency of usage. Such information is useful for us in generating statistical information, in measuring website activity, and a means in which we can improve upon our services.


Children under the age of 18 are prohibited from using our services without the consent of a parent or guardian. However, it must be noted that HELLO! Indo-Arabia has no way of knowing if a visitor or customer is actually under the age of 18. Therefore, it’s entirely possible that we may collect, use and disclose information about users under the age of 18. We encourage parents to monitor their child’s use of the Internet and advise those users under the age of 18 to obtain parental or guardian consent before disclosing any information


HELLO! Indo-Arabia will not disclose any personal information of its customer unless there is reason to believe that disclosing such information is necessary to identify, make contact with, or bring legal action against someone which may be causing harm or interfering with the rights or property of HELLO! Indo-Arabia, our customers, or others, or where HELLO! Indo-Arabia has good faith belief that the law requires such disclosure. In addition, HELLO! Indo-Arabia will not disclose or monitor any content (personal or private electronic communications transmitted to HELLO! Indo-Arabia) unless it is (i) necessary to provide service to the customer; (ii) to protect the interest of HELLO! Indo-Arabia; (iii) required to cooperate with orders, warrants, or other legal process that HELLO! Indo-Arabia determines in its sole discretion to be valid and enforceable and (iv) necessary to provide to the courts when the contents are inadvertently obtained by HELLO! Indo-Arabia and appear to pertain to the commission of a crime.

By using this site, you agree not to write or post any fraudulent or illegal messages as part of any e-mail, or other HELLO! Indo-Arabia related electronic communications medium. You also acknowledge that you are solely responsible for the information and electronic communications content that you create. HELLO! Indo-Arabia disclaims any intention to censor, edit or engage in ongoing review or surveillance of communications stored on or transmitted through its facilities by customers or others. HELLO! Indo-Arabia will, however, receive, delete or block access to communications that may be harmful to HELLO! Indo-Arabia, its customer or third parties.


Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behaviour information. Cookies allow web applications to respond to your interests and needs by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

HELLO! Indo-Arabia use traffic log cookies to track visitor use of individual website pages, to compile statistical reports on website activity and to improve our website by tailoring it to customer needs. Cookies do not contain any personal information about you and they cannot be used to identify an individual user. For further information about cookies visit or You can set your browser not to accept cookies and the above websites tell you how to remove cookies from your browser. However, in some cases this may mean that some of our website features do not function.